Become a confident
public speaker!

Afraid to speak? Toastmasters offers a place where you can practice speaking in front of a supportive audience.
Learn techniques, build up your confidence and make lasting friendships!

We Can help you..

Overcome Your

Many people who join Toastmasters experience the same feelings of nervousness. Practice speaking in an environment where everyone supports eachother.



Toastmasters is a great way to form new connections. By listening to the stories of fellow members, friendships will quickly form!

Build leadership Skills

The skills learned at Toastmasters will create opportunities and help you communicate more effectively. 

How it works

Each meeting is divided into three parts – prepared speeches, impromptu speeches and evaluations.

Prepared Speeches

Prepared speeches are scheduled in advance and are typically 5 – 7 minutes in length. These speeches are part of the Toastmasters Pathways Learning Programme and allow members to practice a more formal style of speaking.

Impromptu Speaking

We practice impromptu speaking through a method called table topics. This is where participants are given random questions and try to speak on them for 1 – 2 minutes. This may sound daunting, but it is actually lots of fun and is a valuable skill for everyday life.


Everyone who speaks is evaluated. We do this in an encouraging way so that you can quickly understand your strengths and identify the next steps. This is one of the main benefits of coming to Toastmasters!

Visit for Free!


Fourth Tuesday of each month at 5.30 pm


Salvation Army Building,
20 Henley Street, Westport

No Booking!

No need to book in advance. Simply come along and enjoy the speeches!


Have a question? Email the club at


Second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm, except fourth Tuesday in January

Salvation Army Building,
20 Henley Street, Westport


Web Design by Brad Grootelaar

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